TGS Survey Results 2024
We would like to thank all of you who took the time to fill out our recent survey for The Goat Shed, many of you made some great suggestions and we really enjoyed reading some of the wonderful things you had to say about the gym. We have taken the time to process the information and have published the below. We have included screen shots of the numerical data and although we cannot address every detail we have included a brief summary of the patterns and common comments from the non numerical data.
Q1 - What other pieces of kit would you like to see in the gym?
We had a variety of responses to this question. The largest proportion - 30% of participants said they were happy with the equipment available and could not think of anymore being needed. We did have some suggestions for equipment such as resistance machines steppers and treadmills. The gym did have a range of resistance and free weight machines at one point. However the machines such as these are large and although have their place in fitness. We begun to feel that the spaces would serve more members as weightlifting platforms and open training space for the open gym. We do feel that this useable space has been more beneficial for a greater number of members, and so removing space for resistance equipment is not something that we are planning on doing in the near future.
Better skipping ropes came up a handful of times. You may have noticed that we have now replaced many skipping ropes.
Outdoor clock that can be seen from inside the sauna and a clock with a second hand that can be seen from the pool - these have been installed
Hip Thrust Block - Considering
Landmine attachment for rig - Considering
Handstand walk Ramp - Considering (part of the problem with this is storage)
New Bar collars - Purchased (we will be removing the black collars as these are not as long lasting as the silver ones)
Additional Concept Equipment - Our aim one day is to have 5 x C2 bikes & 5 x Echo Bikes and remove the taurus bikes - This is something we are always looking at but the cost of these are high. We will keep adding as and when we can.
Sand Bags - Considering removing some and replacing with the round ones.
Dumbbells more 17/20KG - We have purchased another set of 20KG
Higher Bar in the open gym - We will look to move some additional bars up for this, so that taller people can use the rig.

Q6. Why did you give your answer Q5
Its is great to see that over 95% of you feel that your membership is value for money,.Prices are currently being reviewed this month, however we will always tried to do as much as we can to ensure that membership is kept as competitive and accesible as possible. The majority of you felt that as long as you were coming regularly enough, it was worth the value especially with access to the outdoor facility. We had some really lovely comments about the space, cleanliness and coaching so thank you.
We were little surprised by how important being a CrossFit affiliate was to so many of you. This is something that we will always be discussing and analysing, however our current plans for 2024-2025 are to re-affiliate

Q12 What other types of membership would you like to see?
There were a handful of requests for 3 x Week membership which is something we have offered in the past and have considered from time to time. At present we do not offer a 3 x a week membership for three reasons.
We have found it difficult in the past to regulate. This is particularly difficult for us as we are slightly unusual in that we run our open gym alongside our class. This gives members greater flexibility to train more freely, but it has led to situations where members may use the open gym after class for a few minutes. We have found it difficult and awkward to know where to draw the line, between another session use and just using the area for a few minutes.
We want our members to be invested into their health and attend the gym regularly, we have found that in the past members would limit them selves due to their usage when really they would have liked to do more sessions.
We feel that it is easier to build a community when there is no restriction on how much time one can spend at the gym and the amount of classes you can attend
A second point that was raised more than once was a kids membership – We hold one kids class a week which has been great but we do not feel that there is currently a demand for an additional session at this time, this is something that we are constantly analysing and if another classes was added this would lead to the availability of a kids membership
We do currently offer a teens membership for 13-18year olds, which includes use of our open gym (supervised for under 16s) along with classes (once approved by Head Coach )
Q13 Additional Comments
Merch - There were quite a few comments and requests for new merch. We currently have an order being processed which will make up our base range of TGS merch ,and include a range of colours and sizes with a basic TGS design. We are also working on a special fun drop coming in for the summer. Steve has pulled together some pretty awesome designs so we are excited for these. The process of finding the right type of T shirt and design does take time and is not as simple as it sounds sometimes. Please bear with us.
Facility - Entrance road pot holes. We understand the entrance is not in fantastic condition. The top part of this section is due to be pulled up and relayed with tarmac in the next 6 weeks. This will then lead to a new access road to the site. We are filling the current pot holes in with cold lay to tie us over until the new tarmac however it is difficult as the large lorry's are pulling it apart at the same rate. Please drive slowly particularly at the top as this is where it is bad and hold on until the new entrance is laid.
Music - We had some comments about the music not being loud enough and some comments about it being too loud. We are very careful about the music volume as we have a range of site users which include residential dwellings and holiday guests so the music volume has to be controlled so that it works for everyone.
Sunday Opening hours - A couple of comments mentioned about opening earlier on a Sunday, this one can be difficult for us much as the music can affect the site we have felt that it is fair to those users and those that live here to have a slightly later start on Sundays.
Busy Open Gym - There were a few comments that the open gym can get too busy, if we feel that the open gym is too crowded we will bring the number of slots available down for booking. We are CrossFit TGS and we are a classed based gym which means that our priority will always been our classes and our main floor. Open gym is a fantastic area for working on technique or building on specific areas of weakness and strength cycles. It has been designed with this in mind rather than full workouts needing a variety of equipment, please be considerate during busy periods.
Kids - An important part of our gym being accessible is that this includes parents, this is why we have a relatively relaxed policy for parents to bring their children while they train. We had found this a little more difficult lately as we have had some unsafe situations with children climbing on equipment and swinging. We are currently looking at amending some of the layout of the gym so that there is a specific space for children. Our next newsletter will include a few rules for kids just so we don't have any unsafe situations in the future.
Programming - There were a few comments about not liking the set days for the programme. We have chosen to do the programming like this because;
Allows people that come to the gym on the same day each week get a progressive stint on a strength cycle.
The days will rotate every 6 weeks to allow a variety of different movements for everyone.
Events - There were common requests for more in-house comps, we have our next one scheduled for June 22nd and just a little heads up we are planning the Goat Shed Throwdown in September. Many of you are aware that Steve is joining our team full time next month. Once he is on-board and we have a bit more man power, we are hoping that we will be able to hold even more social events and community days.
Thank you - We had so many positive comments, some of you were so kind and we love that on the whole it sounds like a lot of you enjoy what we are doing here. Our door is always open for more suggestions.